So while Alfred University is located in a small town, we do offer many opportunities for students coming from both inside and outside of the community.
So Alfred University is very good about bringing guest speakers into campus or recently via zoom or Skype, given the pandemic.
We have a program here at the university.
It's university wide, it's called APEX, Applied Experiential Learning.
And our students will use APEX as a grant that's available to them as they get higher in college, so junior, senior year.
And they can use that money that's available to do internships, to participate in study abroad study tour programs.
And so study abroad is where you can study a semester or two semesters long at a international location.
We work with partners through the international office to do this.
So we have 1000 to $2,000 that are available to every junior and senior here on campus to do a research project, a study abroad, a senior capstone or other type of design project.
So we really value those hands on experiences so much that we're willing to put our money where our mouth is and provide the resources and funds for our students to be able to make sure that they have those kinds of experiences.
At Alfred University, there is a whole lot of opportunity for students to continue their interests as if they had several interests during high school.
They can continue those interests here, without there being barriers to that participation.
So student clubs are kind of an obvious place but also, if students are interested in participating in music or dance or theater because they had that as a part of their extracurriculars on their application.
They can continue access to those things without barriers.