Alfred University houses a wide variety of different dining options.
You've got the Ade Dining Hall for buffet style, within the cafeteria, as well as the Powell Campus Center, which houses all sorts of different dining options for individual meals.
Alfred's dining service has a really great grab and go options, where you can order all of your food on your phone and schedule out when you're going to pick it up within the dining halls.
Offered has a variety of meal plans that you can pick and choose to really customize for your specific meal needs.
Our most popular meal plans are the purple and gold plans, which give you plenty of dining dollars and Fiat Bux as well as meal swipes that you can buy your food at any of our dining halls.
ABI our dining service here on campus strives to provide the best locally sourced food that we can get.
We have a fresh bakery on campus so you're getting all of the highest quality food we can provide.
We also have a clarity station, which is going to cover any dietary restrictions whether it be vegan or allergy based.
As a vegetarian.
I've found that Alfred's dining options are really amazing in that they can all be customized to fit your specific needs.
So whether it be vegan meats or peanut free dishes, they're really able to accommodate and help you out.
Students want any options outside of their normal meal plan, they're able to go to all sorts of different restaurants throughout town.
You've got the Rosebush, Sub Shop, Collegiate, Terracotta, all sorts of really amazing options for you.