Hi I'm Lucas Chaplin-Kowski and I'm a junior Mechanical Engineer here at Alfred University.
I attended the career fair because I thought that it would be a great opportunity to reach out to some employers and to get to know the field and hopefully, an internship or Co-Op. My name is Tricia Whaley.
I'm a sophomore Material Science and Engineering major at Alfred University.
I found an internship for this summer through the career fair.
I submitted my resume into one of the resume collects and from there, I had multiple interviews.
Some more Skype interviews, and phone interviews, and I received the job. My name is Patrick Macklemore.
I'm a Senior Marketing major here at Alfred University.
Through the use of the career fair, I have been able to meet with employers in areas that I have to look at for jobs in the San Diego area, as well as North Carolina and also in the Rochester area.
I have taken advantage of resume days as an opportunity to clean up my resume and to get an upper hand on other candidates applying for the position that I am.
I took advantage of a couple of the surrounding events to the career fair, such as resume dates and the Cheryl's closet.
Those were very helpful.
I didn't really have quite the right attire when I first showed up, and Cheryl's closet helped me out a lot.
And resume days is one of the biggest helps I've had because there's not really anywhere else I can go for good reliable resume feedback.
The thing I like best about events and fairs that are offered by the CDC is how they bring a lot of employers right to us.
And it's easy to make the rounds and really get your name out there and your field.
Advice I'd give to students who do not attend career related events-- I would say that they should because you gain experience that will help you in the long run when you're trying to get a job because this is planning for the next step in your life and you should start as early as possible.
Whether you're a freshman, sophomore, junior senior, you should get out there, get active and make those relationships.